Officers & Committees

Matthew Butterfield, President

Email: Phone: (616) 234-2306

Presides over meetings, appoints Chairpersons and members of committee (subject to approval of the Executive Board), serves as ex-officio member of all committees, represents the Alliance before the public, and is the executive officer of the Alliance. All Union related communication to the membership will be delivered by the President or the approved designee. In the event of the unavailability of the President and Vice President, the President may appoint a designee. Attendance at Executive Board meetings is expected.

Abbey Atanasoff,

Vice President


Phone: (616) 234-338

Presides in President’s absence, performs duties as assigned by the President, chairs the Grievance Committee and serves as Parliamentarian. The Parliamentarian shall be familiar with and enforce Robert’s Rules of Order (latest edition) at all Executive Board and general membership meetings. Attendance at Executive Board meetings is expected.

Linda Blandford,



Phone: (616) 234-4194

Deposits funds of the Alliance and disburses them according to the decisions of the Executive Board, maintains roll of members, keeps accurate accounts of receipts and expenditures, reports to meetings of the Alliance, prepares an annual financial statement for membership, and submits annual budget. The Treasurer shall be bonded using Alliance funds. The Alliance shall provide for an annual audit of the books. The Treasurer serves on committees as designated by the President. Attendance at Executive Board meetings is expected.

Nicole Nyenhuis,



Phone: (616) 234-2517

Keeps accurate minutes of all meetings of the Alliance, provides agenda and minutes for membership in a timely manner, and assists the President with approved Alliance correspondence. Serves on committees as designated by the President. Attendance at Executive Board meetings is expected.

Lisa Love,



Phone: (616) 234-4340

Assist all Support Professionals with their concerns and/or grievances and serve on committees as designated by the President. Attendance at Executive Board meetings is expected.

Sondra Davis,

Communications Director


Phone: (616) 234-3034

Maintains official files on the Association website or other communication tool. Creates and sends the newsletter. Responsible for upkeep of the Union website or other communication tool. Attendance at Executive Board meetings is expected.

Danielle Nyland,



Phone: (616) 234-3812

Assist all Support Professionals with their concerns and/or grievances and serve on committees as designated by the President. Attendance at Executive Board meetings is expected.

Joint Conferencing Committee


Sunshine Committee

Laurie Witczak Amy Brandstatter Nicole Nyenhuis Heather Den Houter Sondra Davis Kaitlyn Verhulst Sandy Gregory Maggie Montes-Spruit

Finance Committee

Linda Blandford

Election Committee

Garrett Esper

Grievance Committee

Matthew Butterfield Abbey Atanasoff Lisa Love

Negotiating Committee


Nominating Committee

Bex Allington

Policy Committee

Matthew Butterfield Amy Brandstatter

Bylaws/Constitution Committee

Matthew Butterfield Abbey Atanasoff Nicole Nyenhuis Linda Blandford Lisa Love Sondra Davis Danielle Nyland

Reclass Committee

Matthew Butterfield Sandy Gregory

Scholarship Committee

Erin Dietzer

Idea Committee

Cyndi Browne